First steps with fxPAINT ======================== Configuration ------------- 1. Start fxPAINT with a double-click on its icon. 2. Choose "Settings" from the "Settings"-named pull-downmenu. 3. Choose a screenmode with 800x600 or better - for best results choose a mode with 16 or 24bit. 15bit-modes create ugly "color- fractures" and is not a good choice for 24Bit-image-manipulation and painting. If you should still have an AGA-Amiga and work on AGA-screens, choose a resolution of at least 640x480 at 256 colors. 4. Choose "Own screen". 5. Click on "Save" and quit fxPAINT. 6. Start fxPAINT again - this time, it opens on an own screen and you can see all its colors :) First steps ----------- 1. Start fxPAINT. 2. Load a picture from the Pics-directory via a click on the drawer-symbol in the top-bar (second from top-left). Apart from the photos Parrots.jpg, LotsOfStuff.jpg and Astronaut.jpg, all remaining pictures have been created using fxPAINT. 3. You can now already paint in white. Simply press (and keep it pressed) the left mousebutton for drawing and the right mousebutton to delete the previously drawn. 4. Choose the button "fx" from the vertical bar to get into the "fxMANAGER". 5. With the top button, you can choose between the respective effect-groups. Choose "Compose" this time and choose the effect "Bumpmapper". 6. At places, where you have painted with white color before, you can now see the effect. Draw over a greater area which has many changes. 7. Now choose "Options" from the fxMANAGER or the questionaire from the vertical bar. Choose "Positioning mode" from the greater of both windows. 8. Activate the picture`s window and press the left mouse-button. Now drag the mousepointer over the picture and see a stunning effect :) You now already have learned about some basic schemes when using fxPAINT. Now its time to try different effects. All effects are documented in the documentation you can find in the Doc-subdirectory.